O Natal foi passado no Sri Lanka. Andamos por três zonas, Colombo. "resort" Green Paradise na zona de Dambulla e outro "resort" perto de Kandy.
Dessa viagem colocarei aqui algumas fotos que tirei e textos e imagens recolhidos em livros que adquiri.
Much more information is available about the Portuguese
military establishment in Ceylon in the early 17th century than
about the Kandyans. Portuguese historians who have written
accounts of the fighting during these years have provided a
wealth of details relating to their fighting men - their numbers,
composition, service conditions and so on. There is also much
that can be gathered from contemporary offieial reports and
letters and other documentation preserved in Goan and Lisbon
The Portuguese fighting men in Ceylon were those sent from
Goa. But Goa was not the real source of the manpower resources
either of Ceylon or the rest of the Estado da India. The source has a
relevance because that determined the type of fighting man that
fought in Ceylon. All the manpower resources of the Portuguese
Orient originated from Portugal itself. Annually an eastbound
fleet, the Carreira da India, left Lisbon in about March. This fleet
brought with it to Goa not only supplies, officials and priests
but also soldiers. And where did Lisbon turn to recruit them. Fr.
Martin Quere has described these troops as
"---young men, still in their teens, who had boarded
the eastbound vessels with the idea of becoming
soldiers or sailors ."
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